MY BEAUTY with KTC Credit Cards. MY BEAUTY with KTC Credit Cards.

Enjoy 0% installment payment up to 10 months and get unlimited credit cash back at the participating beauty merchants nationwide.

Get unlimited cash back throughout the promotion
when spending with KTC credit cards on 0% Installment payment up to 10 months at the participating beauty merchants nationwide according to specified conditions:

Installment payment per sales slipCredit cashback
10,000 – 34,999 Baht 220 Baht
35,000 – 69,999 Baht 1,000 Baht
70,000 – 119,999 Baht 2,200 Baht
120,000 – 199,999 Baht 4,100 Baht
200,000 Baht upwards 6,900 Baht

*Terms and conditions apply

- Service terms and conditions or installment payment period could be agreed between cardmembers and merchants.
- The installment payment amount will be calculated as full amount deducted from credit card account and will return back to the account after monthly payment as agreed.
- For your privileges, please inquire staff at the beauty clinic and register before making a purchase with KTC credit card.
- The installment payment cannot be cancelled or refunded if the merchants is not allowed or closed.

To make a registration for credit cash back:
Send a SMS, type BTF, space following by 16-digit credit card number and send to 0613845000 (Messaging costs vary depending on the service provider.) or by registering at one-time registration per one credit card number throughout the promotion within the first spending date during the promotion. In this regards, the cardmembers must receive KTC’s reply message confirming the registration in order to eligible participate in this promotion.

1 Feb 24 – 31 May 24

  • Participating beauty partners nationwide.
Terms and Conditions