Education Loans
KTC realizes the importance of education and desires to provide equal education opportunities to the public who aspire for further education but lack the funds to do so. To enhance the quality of life of Thai people and enable Thai people to receive an appropriate education for the purposes of career advancement and financial stability, KTC has collaborated with business partners, such as language schools to offer education loan products to applicants. The loan with appropriate interest rates and fees plus installments option eases the burden of customers. The Company’s business operations are not exposed to increased risks. KTC expects to increase the number of customers obtaining education loans. In this respect, KTC has set a goal to increase the number of partnerships with a wide range of educational institutions to be able to cater to the diverse educational needs of each customer group. At the same time, KTC is focusing on developing education loans to create the highest customer satisfaction level.
"Debt-Clearing" Camping for KTC PROUD Cash Card members
KTC has organized “Debt-Clearing” campaign for the 13 consecutive years to alleviate debts burden of “KTC PROUD” Cash Card members with good debt payment records and on time repayment. Only one registration is required to earn chances for 12 rounds of debt amelioration throughout 2022 via SMS, the Company’s website, or at any KTC TOUCH service points with a total of 600 prizes as follows: