Get special discount when shop online with KTC Credit Card.

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When shop online at partners' website and/or application according to the specified condotions.
Get on top discount up to 20 Baht.
15 Aug 23 - 31 Dec 23
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Redeem e-Coupon code for on top discount 80 Baht.
25 Aug 23 - 31 Dec 23
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Get discount 50 Baht.
15 Aug 23 - 31 Dec 23
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1 Oct 23 - 31 Dec 23
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» By PHONE 0.69 % interest Installment up to 10 months.
Whereas total amount must be at the minimum of 3,000 baht or more.

• Allow to collect sales slips purchased at the same day, must have purchased amount more than 500 Baht / slip.
• Installment Payment via KTC PHONE 02123 5000 on the purchased date only.

15 Aug 23 – 31 Dec 23

  • Shop online for books at leading book stores website.
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