KTC pay your bill or credit extra KTC FOREVER points at Chinese and Korean restaurants.
Privilege 1: Up to 10% discount or other special privileges.
Privilege 2: Receive an e-coupon, cash back credit (value equivalent to the purchase amount) or 50 KTC FOREVER points for every spending amount of 1,500 baht or more.
1 Oct. 2023 – 31 Dec. 2023
*KTC will send e-Coupon to Cardmembers via KTC Mobile App within the day of card transaction according to this terms and conditions. In this regard, Cardmembers is required to press accept such e-Coupon within 15 days after receipt of such e-Coupon, otherwise such e-Coupon shall be deemed to be forfeited without prior notice.
**Cardmembers who press accept extra KTC points e-Coupon, KTC will credit extra KTC points within the 5 next days of pressing accept such e-Coupon based on Thailand time and KTC’s database. Cardmembers who press accept credit cash back e-Coupon and after posting date, KTC will credit cash back to Cardmembers’ card account within the 5 next days based on Thailand time and KTC’s database.
1 Oct 23 - 31 Dec 23