Get 0% installment payment for 10 months by redeem KTC FOREVER points 50% of the spending at KING POWER

Enjoy Spending and pay in installments easily with KTC credit cards.
Get 0% installment payment for 10 months for all items at KING POWER (In-store and Online)

For net spending 5,000 Baht Up/Sales Slip and register to redeem KTC FOEVER Points 50% of net spending/sales slip to change the full payment amount to 0% installment payment for 10 months

Cardmembers must register every time they wish to redeem points. Redeem for credit cash back with the usage of KTC FOREVER points in the amount equivalent to the transaction. To register, type FKP followed by a space and 16 credit card digits and # followed by amount spent per sale slip to 061-384-5000

or scan QR to register and request to change the full payment amount to 0% installment payment for 10 months. or register online at

Remarks: KTC Credit Card members must register for requesting to use half the points of the spending amount per sales slip change the full payment amount to installment plan 0% 10 months. within the same day the transaction was made with KTC credit cards in order to become eligible to participate in the program. Cardmembers may not register in advance or later after the day the transaction was made. If the transaction amount contains a decimal point, cardmembers must specify the decimal point but is not required to include the "," symbol in the transaction amount, i.e. 5500.50

To register below,

“0% interest rate if paid in full within due date”

1 Jan 24 - 31 Dec 24

  • KING POWER Downtown Complex (Rangnam, Pattaya, Phuket and Srivaree)
  • KING POWER Duty Free at Suvarnabhumi Airport, Don Muang Airport and Phuket Airport
  • King Power Chat To Shop
  • King Power Call To Shop
  • KING POWER Application
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