How to convert normal transaction to installment payment through KTC Online?
To convert normal transaction to installment payment through KTC Online
- Go to "Installment Payment"
- Select "Installment Payment"
- Select Card Number
- Select transaction, installment period, and fill in required information
- Click "Next"
- Continue OTP verification. When conversion is completed, the confirmation email will be sent to your registered email.
What is maximum period of installment payment?
Installment payment period is 3 - 10 months.
How much minimum amount tracsaction that can be convert to installment payment?
Transaction that can be converted to installment payment must be unbilled one with minimum amount of 500 baht.
How many transaction can be converted to installment payment through KTC Online?
Transaction can be converted one at a time. Conversion is unlimited.
Is it possible to choose interest rate?
Interest rate is set according to installment period and it subjects to KTC condition.
When conversion was completed, is it possible to cancel or undo?
Once conversion is completed, it cannot be cancelled. For more information, please contact KTC PHONE 02 123 5000 (24hrs).
What type of transaction cannot be converted to installment payment through KTC Online?
Interest, fees and installment transaction cannot be converted to installment payment.